In order to participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Sponsors must submit an Application Packet to the State for review and approval. At the beginning of each program year, Sponsor data is rolled over and must be verified by Sponsors prior to submitting any claims.
There are two types of Application Packets—a Center Packet and a Day Care Home Packet. The overall application process is the same for both types, though some forms differ in content. Generally, the Application Packet contains the Sponsor application, site/provider application(s), Board of Directors, Budget Detail, Management Plan and any required Checklist items. After selecting Application Packet from the Applications menu, each required packet item and its status displays. A red arrow displays beside packet items that are not complete, while a green arrow displays for packet items that have been completed without error. For more details, see Reviewing an Application.
Sponsors that wish to receive advance payments must also submit an Advance Request to the State. An advance request must be submitted and approved for each program year. For more details, see Advance Request.
Note: Sponsors may not submit claims until their Application Packet has been approved for the respective program year.
Note: Once an Application Packet has been approved, the Application Packet must be re-submitted for approval if any of the following items have been revised:
· Sponsor Application
· Center Application
· Board of Directors
· Budget Detail
· Sponsor Management Plan
An Application Packet does not need to be re-submitted for DCH Provider Application modifications or revisions.
Note: The sections below apply to both Center and DCH Application Packets. The forms displayed in the following screenshots may apply to one or both application packet types.
To access the Application Packet